Democrats Demand Homage to Hoover’s Ghost

Though the public was unaware at the time, the seminal Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) director, J. Edgar Hoover, was a political extortionist. Deftly manipulating both his political opponents and the press, Hoover was able to retain his job, pursue his causes, indulge his friends, and crush his enemies with impunity. The Constitution proved no bar to this venal reprobate whose innumerable violations of Americans’ civil rights were legion. 

When death finally ended his arbitrary, capricious, and wholly unaccountable one-man reign over America’s national law enforcement, one would expect the response to be relief accompanied with the recognition of his maladministration and a refusal to permit a recrudescence of this sordid chapter in governmental abuses of power.

Instead, the FBI headquarters is named the J. Edgar Hoover Building.

The past is prologue in our disordered age. Recently, a gaggle of the self-professed “moderates” of the “New Democrat Coalition” sent a letter to U.S. House Appropriations Chairman Kay Granger (R-Texas), demanding ever more millions for the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies. 

Per Fox News, the signatories contend “the partisan Republican budget proposal that recently passed the House would cut critical resources, exposing communities across the country to increased levels of crime.”  

The first duty of government is to protect the safety of its citizens,’ a letter sent by the New Democrat Coalition to House Appropriations Chair Kay Granger, (R-Texas), read. ‘Therefore, Congress has a responsibility to sufficiently fund essential programs that empower law enforcement agencies to address the diverse set of criminal threats facing the communities we represent.’ 

They’re asking for $569.6 million for the FBI in fiscal year 2024, to go toward ‘investigating extremist violence and domestic terrorism.’

Employing the same false reasoning that brought you the COVID lockdowns, these Democrats refuse to recognize that the first duty of government is to secure the God-given, constitutional rights of its citizens. This refusal allows the New Democrat Coalition to studiously ignore the FBI’s recent return to the politicized abuses of power of Hoover’s COINTELPRO heyday. 

The public, however, cannot.

According to whistleblowers’ congressional testimony, the FBI has been “cooking the books” to falsely increase the incidences and locations of “domestic terrorism” to stifle political dissent. 

As reported in the Washington Examiner:

Whistleblowers assert that the FBI pressured agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism (DVE), and even manufactured DVE cases where they may not otherwise exist, while manipulating its case categorization system to feign a national problem.’ The whistleblower claims were made public in an 80-page report released Thursday by the GOP-led House Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).

And who were some of these falsely labeled Americans? Fox News provides a partial answer: “The FBI targeted pro-life groups, Catholics, and parents attending school board meetings with investigations in an effort to ‘inflate’ the sense that they were a domestic terrorism threat, according to new whistleblower reports.”

The reason the FBI is inflating these numbers? For this, Andrew C. McCarthy—who has prosecuted actual terrorists—has an answer:

The projection of dystopian America mired in a terrorist war waged by the Democrats’ political adversaries is false. Since it doesn’t exist in reality, congressional Democrats and the Biden administration are trying to create it by FBI bookkeeping. As we’ve seen over the last eight years, and again this week with the release of the Durham Report, when Democrats say jump, the FBI says, ‘How high?’

“How high?” would also include going easy on Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden. For the whistleblowers who refused to jump and are instead bringing the truth to light, the FBI’s retaliation has been swift. Not surprisingly, the FBI denies it.

But, unlike the New Democrat Coalition, the FBI could not ignore the Russiagate scandal (although it did downplay it). For the confused members of the New Democrat Coalition, the New York Post provides a nice recap of the Durham report’s major findings. But here is a CliffsNotes version: the FBI knowingly participated in the Democrats’ seditious undermining of a duly elected president.

As the earlier U.S. House’s Republican Judiciary Committee Staff Report of November 4, 2022, concluded:

The FBI’s Washington hierarchy [is] ‘rotted at its core,’ maintaining a ‘systemic culture of unaccountability,’ and full of ‘rampant corruption, manipulation, and abuse.’ . . . The FBI has abused its law-enforcement authorities for political purposes, and how actions by FBI leadership show a political bias against conservatives.

Like Hoover, today’s Democrats view the Constitution as an obstacle not to be obeyed but overcome. And they have been rewarded for it. In contrast to Hoover, who sought to stop political change, the Left aims to “fundamentally transform” America. But neither end justifies the use of unconstitutional means. At least in Hoover’s era, both parties had to be politically extorted to ignore his abuses of power. Presently, the Democrats do not just willingly ignore such abuses of power—they embrace them. 

In submitting their monetary demands, the New Democrat Coalition laughably proffer that they are taking a stand against crime by increasing funding for a federal law enforcement agency that has abused its powers against American citizens, especially the Left’s political opponents. Unlike the rest of us, Democrats are most pleased with the weaponization of the FBI’s police and counterintelligence powers against the Left’s enemies. 

In the cold, autocratic logic of the Democrats: why not accelerate when you are already on a roll . . . especially when all it takes is half a billion more taxpayer dollars to pay homage to Hoover’s ghost? 

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About Thaddeus G. McCotter

An American Greatness contributor, the Hon. Thaddeus G. McCotter (M.C., Ret.) represented Michigan’s 11th Congressional district from 2003 to 2012 and served as Chair of the Republican House Policy Committee. Not a lobbyist, he is a frequent public speaker and moderator for public policy seminars, and a Monday co-host of the "John Batchelor Show" among sundry media appearances.

Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images

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Notable Replies

  1. Everything old is new again.

    A number of Republican House members have stated the best answer would be to break up the FBI and redistribute it among other federal agencies. Others have proposed doing away with the agency altogether. Whatever the solution, there should never again be a 7th Floor. Too much bureaucratic power has been placed in too few hands. What few hands might be left after the much needed makeover, Congress needs to strengthen its fiscal power over whatever remains of the agency so that full accountability is restored.

    And after the FBI has been taken care of, it should be used as a model for examining every other federal agency. Both the CIA and the ATF have forgotten their original mandates. The same goes for the IRS. And I’m extremely happy to see that SCOTUS clipped the wings at the EPA. They need a strong reminder that they exist to serve the people, and not the other way around. The time of the shadow government must come to an end

  2. Avatar for task task says:

    Although the Constitution never expressly mentioned the authorization of a federal police power it does mention the necessity of punishing very specific crimes. However nowhere does it mention the many crimes the FBI, the CIA, the EPA, the DHS and IRS are now not prevented from investigating. Nothing is deemed to be out from the reach and grasp of the Washington D.C. bureaucratic state. Dealing with counterfeiting and treason seems reasonable but once again whenever the authorization of power is granted often less than noble people will use the opportunity and expand boundaries. Nothing could be less noble than eavesdropping on political adversaries with the intent of influencing an election in a way which forced Nixon to abdicate his presidency. No one has yet been punished for what makes the Watergate scandal appear trivial.

    The FBI is supposed to gather evidence and do nothing more. In fact its creation was resisted because the congress, prior to its creation, could envision its own vulnerabilities. What about logical objective pursuits and clear subjective limitations? In 1993 both the CIA and FBI failed to discover and prevent the perpetrators behind the attempted explosive demolition of the Trade Towers. You would think that the event would have put them on high alert and prevented 911 and those that believed such were proved to be very wrong. It not only failed to prevent the attack but because of that failure the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created. Everyone is aware of the sundry list of FBI failures and the loss of life as a result but it has gotten far worse.

    Where is the FBI and DSH when it comes to the China Connection, within corporations, universities, in the federal, state and local governments and, most notably and obviously in the Biden family? It now appears that the FBI is what ordinary Americans fear and not because of their failure to prevent terrorists from harming citizens but because the FBI treats ordinary Americans as though they are terrorists. The FBI is the militant arm of Joe Biden’s WH who made it clear that he despises 74 million MAGA supporters. Imagine how many Americans could speak and act like Nidal Hasan and yet not be investigated? And yet who was investigated before the J6 event and prosecuted and persecuted afterwards for speech and trespassing? The Proud Boys were sentenced to long prison sentences but the FBI colluders and conspirators, whose activities were detailed by the Durham Report to have undermined the First Amendment and a Democratic National Election, leaves them free to write books, host cable news’ shows and enjoy the blessings of freedom. They can now all echo the words of Bill Ayers - “Guilty as Sin, Free as a Bird”.

  3. Where conservatives have long been aware of our two tiered system of justice, I think even liberals are becoming more willing to acknowledge it. Since Zucker’s departure at CNN, I’ve begun to see on air talent remarking, more and more, that the arc of justice only seems to bend in one direction.

    One of the things I believe is leading to this “new” recognition is due to the aftermath of all the Covid restrictions. When everyone sees the backtracking of governmental and non-governmental officials attempting to re-write history with such claims that “I never called for people to be fired for not taking the vaccine” EVEN Lefties recognize the lie because they were THERE.

    For some, taking the Red Pill was a relatively easy matter, for others, it took gallons of fluids----but the pills are being swallowed none-the-less. I do not believe it will be enough people to fully tip the scale----too many cannot admit they were hoodwinked, but I’m hoping that the margins shift enough to make for a real Red Wave in 2024. After all, when looking at Biden’s 2020 victory and ignoring the bogus popular vote totals, it is by the smallest margins in five states that gave the Democrats the victory. I do not think they can pull it off again.

    And perhaps, if there is a full swing in 2024, there will be enough public pressure to finally defang the alphabet agencies.

  4. I hope your faith in the belief that things will improve is justified, and that I’m wrong, but I have a great deal of difficulty sharing your optimism.

  5. Like everyone else, I vacillate between optimism and pessimism, however to be a happy warrior requires optimism. As I look at a person like Trump, probably the most persecuted man America has ever seen, I have not seen him give in to despair. If he can do it, I can do it. And on those days when my pessimism is ascendant, I remind myself of that.

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